post No.150 Conversation Tin

As many of you may remember I have been whole heartedly excited about the Conversation Tin that my sister invented.  (click here to find out what it is)

Today is our first guest!  Megan Arquette of Beach Bungalow 8….


A little bit of background first.  I met Megan in Urbanic when she was looking for wedding invitations.  Her and (her then fiancee) Nick are a dynamic couple and were super fun to work with.  I loved all of her ideas, colors and design concepts when she was putting together her wedding stationery.  I remember at one point in our meetings she mentioned her blog.  At that time blogs meant nothing to me but I decided to investigate hers, out of curiosity. It was full of good design, interesting finds, and a great angle of undertone humor that had me addicted from the start. She kind of opened the door to the blog world and gave me some great advice when I started Parcel Post.


Here are the 3 Conversation Tin questions that Megan picked

Nicest thing a passerby has ever done for you?

Once, when I was going through a very tough period in my life, a homeless woman came up to me and handed me a cross she had made from a palm frond. She then looked me in the eye and said, “I can tell you need someone to keep you in their prayers. Remember, you are loved”  Not being a religious person, the actual item wasn’t what touched me but the gesture of giving and basic human connection. The connection made was so profound coming from this woman who seemed to have so little to give.

At what line of latitude does “southern hospitality” kick in?

I’m a believer that making guests feel comfortable and welcome in your home, isn’t so much regional as it is just good old fashion manners.

Top 5 things to do when it is raining
2.go for a run {I love running in the rain}
3.if it’s warm, swimming in a summer downpour is fantastic
4. sit in an old barn and listen to the rain drumming the roof
5. spend the afternoon with your favorite person, a bottle of wine in a quaint restaurant (preferably in Rome)

We have a love hate relationship.

: : :  A Few General Questions : : : : : : : : :

Describe what you do.

I’m an illustrator, turned interior designer with a design blog that has taken on a life of it’s own

When and how did you get started?

I think I’ve probably always had interior design in my blood. I used to build and design doll houses even up through junior high. My friends would come over and I’d quickly shove my little projects under my bed with one foot, so embarrassed that they’d think I was still playing with dolls.  In my 20s I was living in San Francisco and was a textile designer, I began to really pay attention to fabrics and textiles learning everything I could. I had also bought an old house which needed a lot of love. I became so consumed with transforming this house, I knew this was where my heart was ,still. Eventually, I had my work published, began taking on jobs, went back to school to learn some technical fundamentals and am thrilled each time a new challenge comes my way.

What are some of your inspirations ?
I love the some of the aesthetics of the 70s. While I totally love the glammed out hippy chic of the era I also love the tretorn, preppy 70s. Much of what I’m drawn to is reminiscent of my childhood~ spent in a conservative community  with  intellectual parents (my dad an architect, my mother a writer) who exposed me to great art and design.

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