post No.227 The Urbanic turned 3 Giveaway!

Urbanic turned 3 and this means presents! –  It’s fall giveaway time!


TO WIN: all you need to do is leave a comment to this post naming 3 things in your life that are presently making you happy.  The winners will be randomly selected and announced here on parcel post on October 3rd so check back here to see if you have won.

: and the prizes are :


prize No.1  a candle from Linnea’s Lights!


Prize No.2  a writing set from Oh Joy


prize No.3 an O-check journal

so glad it’s fall,


{#3 collage photo credits from left:  other peoples flowersdime store emporium and scissor variations}

141 thoughts on “post No.227 The Urbanic turned 3 Giveaway!

  1. 1. My husband! Our 1 year wedding anniversary is in 10 days!
    2. Sunshine. It’s been raining for a week straight here, and I can’t wait to see the sun again.
    3. Chai Tea. It’s fall and there’s an ever so slight chill in the air. Chai and slice of pumpkin bread, nothing better.

    • 1. The support and love of my friends. My boyfriend and I just broke up and they have been taking care of me.
      2. The future
      3. The Photography department at Virginia Commonwealth University. I love my major more than anything.

    • 1. Notebooks that are filled with writing: I love looking through old notebooks that ive filled up with thoughts!
      2. Late night snacks in the kitchen with friends
      3. When you are baking something and the whole house smells delicious.

  2. (one) thursday night hot yoga class – taking that time every week to completely detox has been incredible!
    (two) cooking dinner – a new adventure every.single.week.
    (three) time to read – FINALLY! i have been able to immerse myself in the books that have been calling my name for months.

  3. uno – That my unemployment has resulted in me spending much more time with son.

    dos – The crisp fall weather that has just begun

    tres – The blue sky that is shining from the window above me as I’m typing this

    (Everyone was doing different numbers, so I thought I’d continue that tradition in my comment 🙂 )

  4. 1. My husband – he’s my best friend, and makes me the happiest girl in the world.
    2. A good workout – somehow starting the day with this, makes the rest of the day oh-so-good as well.
    3. Simply Orange Juice – Mmmm…I must have some of this each day. And it’s 100% orange juice, so it’s good for me too!

  5. 4. The Office – I look forward to laughing really hard each Thursday night.
    5. Basil – The smell of it is irresistible.
    6. My puppy – he keeps me company while I work at home alone, and always does things to keep me entertained.

  6. 7. Crisp fall air – I’m speaking in faith here, because it is still hot and humid in Tennessee…but I am thoroughly looking forward to some crisp fall air! 🙂
    8. Paper goods – I don’t know what it is about paper that makes me so happy…but I’m sure you understand.
    9. Giveaways such as this – Taking a moment to write out what is making me happy makes me even more thankful for those things. The big and little things in life are so important.

  7. 1. It’s Friday!
    2. I am about to hire a fantastic photographer for my wedding next year. (And oh yeah, I am marrying my best friend!)
    3. Fresh bread is in the oven.

  8. 1. a weekend with great friends
    2. the 40 children I will teach art to today get so excited about making art that I can’t help but love my job
    3. my sister who lives too far away is coming to visit me 🙂

  9. 1. My job that allows me to spend a lot of time with my husband
    2. A weekend home after a long string of weekend traveling
    3. The smell of the brownies in the oven right now that I’m baking for a good friend 🙂

  10. 1. Google Reader – I just discovered Google Reader and put all my favorite blogs on it. I LOVE that I can read all my favorite blogs every single day in such a convenient way. Signing in to Google Reader is a highly anticipated and really exciting highlight of my days now!

    2. October – I cant wait until October is finally here and the weather begins to feel more like Autumn. I LOVE Summer, but I also really like the beginning of any new season, particularly Autumn with its pumpkin smells and crunchy leaves. Plus, Halloween decorations and ideas are everywhere!!!

    3. Getting a good parking spot at work – Inexplicably, its been happening a lot lately and its awesome!

  11. Great giveaway! Three is a fabulous number. 🙂

    Things I’m especially stoked about:
    1. Twins, as in my baby niece and nephew, who are the loves of my life.
    2. Paper, as in vintage, patterned, repurposed awesomeness.
    3. Music, especially that of Neko Case, Brandi Carlile, and the Indigo Girls.

  12. Happy 3!!!

    Here’s my 3 bits of happiness:
    1- prayers answered with a new job!
    2- the arrival of fall accompanied with blankets and warm beverages
    3- dreaming about redecorating everything because I’m very inspired by all things “MadMen”

  13. What fabulous prizes!!!

    1. My Husband & family — always a constant stream of happiness
    2. Chai Tea — love having a cup in the morning
    3. Leaves starting to change in New England — it’s a bit early, but there are hints of color, which somehow leaves me feeling completely at ease when I look at them

  14. Yeah!

    1. My husband is home for the weekend – I only get to see him every two weeks.
    2. My mom is coming to visit on Saturday and staying for a whole week!
    3. Coffee – hey it might be simple but it gets the job done.

  15. Happy 3rd! 🙂
    My three things:
    1. I will be the aunt to an amazing niece or nephew in just THREE weeks.
    2. The smell of fall.
    3. The love I feel every time I unlock my front door an am greeted by a happy pup and an extraordinary man.

  16. 1. It’s the weekend. Lord, how I’m happy for the weekend.
    2. The arrival of autumn. I love sweater weather.
    3. The consistency of quality relationships in my life. Regardless of the circumstances, I love and am loved.

    Happy Anniversary!

  17. 1. It’s finally fall! Cooler weather here in hot old Oklahoma! I’m wearing socks and jeans again for the first time in ages.

    2. Monarch butterflies are migrating – I always see one or two here and there floating above the trees.

    3. New books waiting to be read on my nightstand.

    Happy Third Anniversary!! Wish I lived close so I could visit your fabulous shop.

  18. Un: My wonderful husband. We’ve been married seven years and 11 days but been a couple for 15 years in October. He makes my heart sing.

    Deux: My new Nigel Slater cookbook: Tender Vol. I – it’s marvellous and will encourage me to eat more veggies.

    Trois: My kind parents-in-law who have taken us in while we look for work

  19. My new little 6 month grandson Owen, sunny fall days, coffee each morning in my favorite Dean & Deluca mug from my NYC visit 8 years ago.

  20. my fiance, who is managing my pre-wedding type-A personality very well 🙂

    fall in Ohio, and fresh apples at the grocery, and weather cool enough that i’m back to my knitting!

    coming into the office this morning to chocolate cake, celebrating a co-worker’s birthday.

  21. 1. The sunset I see from my new apartment window every night and the beautiful colors it turns the sky.
    2. My fantastic boyfriend who puts up with me and still loves me even though he knows I’m a bit crazy.
    3. The tiny new basil plant growing out on my balcony that I haven’t killed yet.

    Congratulations on 3 years!

  22. love the notebook!

    1. my sister is coming into town tonight. haven’t seen her since july.
    2. the flashdance’s latest music mix
    3. countdown to “where the wild things are” movie

    happy 3rd birthday!!

  23. {1} An upcoming trip to Santa Barbara tomorrow with family for a day of craftiness,

    {2} My new Candisticks curlers that make my long hair super wavy,

    {3} And last but not least, a recent mention of my company’s products on the Swiss Miss blog!

  24. 1. my nearly-15-year-old shih tzu, cappuccino, who still thinks she’s a puppy 🙂

    2. returning to america after living in israel for a year 🙂

    3. my job – being surrounded by people who love what they do is pretty special 🙂

  25. 1. It’s my 30th b-day and I feel better then ever! Happy birthday to you too, :)!
    2. Good news and stories from my parents mission work in Zimbabwe!
    3. My wonderful friends who make every day brighter!

  26. 1: Fall in SoCal… lovely, sunny, warm
    2: The Swede, the world’s sunniest, happiest, friendliest Golden Retriever
    3: Post break-up weight loss! Yay divorce!

  27. 1/ indian summer! heatwave in september
    2/ my kittens, taz and roo, who make me laugh so hard it’s like being on happy drugs 24/7
    3. life. having had a friend at death’s door and whisking her back from the brink (cancer, now in remission), life is just that much sweeter.

  28. 1) After 5 months of unemployment my boyfriend getting a great job. Such a relief!! Very very thankful.

    2) Fighting for healthcare reform, so invigorating! Happy to be involved and that it’s finally being discussed.

    3) House hunting and planning possible interior design looks for said possible house 🙂

  29. only three?

    1. My family
    2. My creative gifts
    3. My ability to let go, to surrender and trust that all will be as it should

    okay, and 4. So glad I received an email from Urbanic so now I know about you, and 5. We’re neighbors. I must visit, soon.

    Terri Conrad
    Terri Conrad Designs

  30. Three things that are making me happy at this exact moment.

    1. cracking up with my best friend Kyle at stupid Tim and Eric videos.

    2. the anticipation of getting coffee at a new coffee shop, “Ritual

    3. photography

  31. Happy 3rd Birthday…That’s really exciting!

    1) A late-going, unexpected crop of tomatoes in our garden that will extend our tomato-fest at least another month

    2) 30 mile+, Sunday bike rides with my hubby on our Tandem bicycle. We go all over the city!

    3) Getting to work with my sister everyday

  32. 1. pretty pink and grey silk wedding programs for this weekend

    2. the menu for sunday brunch with the fam

    3. BBM texts with an old friend.

    Happy third birthday! (we just turned 2!!!)

  33. 1. My two little daughters who brighten my life everyday.
    2. My amazing husband whom I just celebrated my 10th anniversary with.
    3. That today is Friday and we have a fun weekend ahead 🙂

  34. Bon Anniversaire!! How did that School House Rock song go… “Three is a magic number!”…. 🙂

    1. My husband, of course, who I adore and takes such fantastic care of me

    2. Living in beautiful Southern California. I miss the East Coast’s fall loveliness, but being lucky enough to live out here is pretty priceless

    3. Friends & family – having such an abundance of love in my life

  35. happy 3 urbanic.

    one. our kids who are a gift, joy and treasure.
    two. the feeling after spinning like crazy for 45 minutes.
    333. capturing sweet moments in life.

  36. 1.) sweet rolls! so delicious
    2.) a refreshing rainy day…
    3.) checking out new restaurants and being a bit of a foodie

    congrats on 3 years!!

  37. 1. The Earth: I really do love this fascinating planet, just looking at the sky makes me seem so small. To be a part of something so great is amazing.
    2. Quilts: I love making them, I love using them, they are just all around dandy!
    3. A clean house, nothing more gratifying I think!

  38. Three things that bring me happiness:

    laughter….anything that brings a smile to one’s face, must mean good things….happiness always follows.

    grace… you climb up the hill as well as how you get down…because learning from life’s obstacles ultimately brings happiness….

    the little things….

    Wishing you another thrilling year!

  39. 1. my brand new cute little vintage apartment.
    2. knowing that come December, i will be the proud owner of an unbearably cute little apricot labradoodle.
    3. the Thursday night line-up (Greys, the Office, Parks+Rec, Community etc.)

    oh i do so love everything about this time of year…

    take joy.

  40. 3 things making me happy right now:

    – my adorable son who is exploring and learning everyday.

    – the peacock blue walls I just painted.

    – fall in Chicago.

    Happy Anniversary ladies and thanks for asking!

  41. 1. Farmer’s Market and Swap Meet dates with my fiance

    2. Slowly decorating our new apartment (it doesn’t look like a college dorm room anymore!)

    3. Homemade cookies from scratch

  42. 1. Yarn! I love knitting
    2. My last semester of college! (or well at least my last semester of my undergrad)
    3. Fridays… and looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday

  43. number 1.. whatever book i’m reading.

    number 2.. the weather getting cooler for fall bringing with it, fall festivals downtown and outdoor eating.

    number 3.. better fall movies in theatres!

  44. gahhh! the stationery set + notebook are killing me!!!

    1: whole wheat toast with irish creamery butter + homemade blackberry jam

    2: project runway reruns

    3: getting letterpress samples in the mail . . . so luxurious!

  45. 1. My fiance’s smile.
    2. This beautiful late-summer day.
    3. The new dress I just bought.

    Thanks for entering me into this great giveaway! Have a lovely weekend!

  46. Great giveaway! Happy 3 years! 🙂 3 is my favorite number so this giveaway really caught my eye!

    3 things in my life that make me happiest:

    1. My soon to be fiance
    2. My yorkie poo, Kelsey. She always makes me smile.
    3. The beautiful end of summer, fall weather…

  47. 1. The fruition of a dream in actually building my own stationery business.
    2. Cool weather means no more big ugly box air conditioners in the window!
    3. The smell of clean laundry.

  48. (1) My co-worker picking up the lunch tab “just because” – her treat made my day

    (2) The forecast for the weekend – Will be participating in a bike event (Bike MS) where I ride just over 160 miles and am super happy about the clear skies and 75+ degree weather that is forecasted

    (3) Car washes. My dusty but trusty accord got a bath in the sunshine today!

  49. 1. Scrapbooking – All the sweet papers, stamps, ribbons, trickets and more bring joy to my heart 🙂
    2. My Husband – We’ve been married 11 months! Oh, young love is grand 🙂
    3. Etsy – Its a secret indulgence of mine 😉

  50. 1 – Crisp fall weather and everything that goes along with it! Making hot tea, baking banana bread & cookies & brownies, eating rich foods, walking outside and seeing the beautiful leaves turn different colors, choosing among fall’s bounty at the local farmer’s market.

    2 – Stationery and stationery shops! French, Italian, American, letterpress, unique handmade, vintage, onion skin; writing papers, cards; browsing around stores; writing social letters on a weekly basis.

    3 – Travel! We just came back from a two week trip to SF/LA, and my husband and I had a great time seeing old friends, eating great food, shopping, and holding onto summer for just a little bit longer. It was also fun seeing my husband all day, every day.

  51. Three things that are currently making me happy:

    1. The look and smell of a new box of crayons.

    2. My new cupcake cake pan- so fun!

    3. Pulling out and putting up my Fall stuff. So ready for the change of seasons.

  52. 1. My dad who changed the oil in my car and filled it up when he came to visit.

    2. My cat who keeps a smile on my face and my feet warm at night.

    3. My fiance who knows how to make me laugh even when I’m feeling blue.


  53. 1. Saturday mornings with a cup of hot coffee sitting in my adirondack chair.
    2. The coming of Fall, my favorite season. I get reenergized
    this time of year.
    3. The friends I am blessed with. Couldn’t imagine life without them.

  54. 1. when i was 9, it was close to thanksgiving-time at school and all the parents came to class for our thanksgiving play. At the end of the play, all the kids lined up and announced what they were thankful for. Every one of my classmates, following the first one’s lead, said that they were thankful for their parents–followed by shrieks of joy from their parents and clapping from the rest of the assembled audience. When it came to me, i looked down at this awesome He-Man shirt I had on, I thought a little about the Batman one I had at home and had a revelation — I shouted “I’m thankful for cotton!” Stunned silence in the classroom. My parents weren’t too thrilled. But the feel of a good tshirt, and cotton, still make me happy.

    2. My plans for the weekend: taking it easy, nothing big, no traveling, maybe cooking dinner and just relaxing. All of that makes me happy.

    3. Amy makes me happy. She introduced me to Urbanic, pointed this page out to me, and encouraged me to write this post. She happens to make me happy every day, even more than cotton.

  55. Happy B-Day!!

    Three things presently making me happy:

    1.) I’m only 42 but I have a 1-month old grandson, and he is making me very happy!

    2.) My husband returned last week after having to work in Denver for two months.

    3.) My precious grandma is still doing well at age 93.

  56. lovely giveaway. and warmest congrats to you!
    1. my amusing 3 year old, soon to be a big sister!
    2. the first sight of pumpkins on porches
    3. teaching art history because i learn so much

  57. 1. My husband becoming a stay-at-home dad!
    2. Watching video of my daughter at the end of the day when
    I have been away at work.
    3. Coming home to hugs and kisses!

  58. 1. anticipation: I look forward to next month when I get to go and see my boy and for new things to come about.
    2. family: I am currently surrounded by family and am appreciating the time that I get to spend with them.
    3. creating: I just re-discovered my love for making personalized cards.

  59. Happy 3! I still remember the first time I walked into your store when you just opened. You were pregnant and you and your hubby were still getting all the right touches up! Happy Anniversary! So here are my Happy 3s…

    1. I’m PREGNANT for the first time!
    2. Urbanique has made it 3 years and counting! Going to your store or reading your blog always makes me happy. So many lovely things to make one smile!
    3. My hubby is home from a long road trip!

  60. happy third birthday!

    being the managing editor of a paper — i feel so fulfilled and i’m confident that i can try and pursue journalism as a profession.

    weight loss — i’ve officially lost 40 lbs since may!

    my friends — they’re always there for me, even when i don’t want to be there for myself.

  61. hi aud.

    four things that always make me happy:

    hanging out with my pups: pearl and stella

    living with my super fun and amazing boyfriend kyle.

    planning trips together to places like japan and sweden and hawaii.

    going to hear live music.

    xoxo. see you tomorrow.

  62. *living closer to my sisters. i moved 2 months ago.
    * getting hugs from my elementary students. i switched from teaching middle school art to elemtary. i love the energy of the little kiddos.
    *having a studio space in my new house that is not between the furnace and the washing machine.

    sign me up please. what a great giveaway.

  63. Things that are currently making me happy:
    1. The fact that I am enjoying my favorite time of the week, Saturday morning with a hot cup of coffee, pancakes and, and my favorite blanket!
    2. My fiance who brings so much happiness to each day! he truly makes me the happiest girl!
    3. Fall – i love everything about it!

  64. 1. Starting tomorrow, my fiance and I will be living in the same city for the first time in over a year! (From half way around the world to the other side of the country and now to the same apartment – yay!)
    2. Rainfall when there is still sun peaking through.
    3. Brain food for studying: chocolate covered [insert here].

  65. 1. My wonderful mother and brother who have been mine and each other support system during this difficult year.
    2. My husband who unconditionally loves me (and my family) and shows it every day.
    3. My yorkie sasha who gives all of us hours of entertainment.

  66. 1. My husband (of 2 weeks) & I just bought tickets for a year in Europe – where we plan to invest in each other & ourselves – taking time to be creative, explore, eat, drink & travel!
    2. My best friend – who has been through a lot over the past few months, but has been making the best of things & kicking some serious butt – she’s been an incredible inspiration.
    3. Live music, art, theatre….
    4. Browsing used book stores on cool fall days

  67. 1. Knitting socks for my brothers
    2.Litening to the storm outside whilst I am inside
    3. That I have so many amazing and caring people in my life makes me proud.

  68. 1. The sun for it makes everything we have on Earth possible

    2. My bed because it is the place i feel most at home in

    3. Handmade things because they contain someone’s effort and thought into making it.

  69. Three things that make me happy are…..

    1. My photography. It took me a long time to get to where I am now and nothing makes me as happy as when I have my camera in my hand.

    2. My dogs, Marley and Madison. I couldnt imagine life without them. They are my kids!

    3. My husband. He is the most caring, loving, and giving individual that I have ever met. The world is a better place with him in it!!

    Happy 3rd Anniversary, Urbanic!

  70. 1. my dog molly, who is currently snuggled up on my lap.
    2. the way my husband loves and takes such good care of my niece and nephew – showing great potential for the future! 🙂
    3. the fact that my hubby and I are going on a date next week in venice and getting to finally visit Urbanic for the first time (paper straws are definitely on the shopping list)! 🙂

  71. yay congrats on your 3rd anniversary, how exciting!!

    These are the things that are making my happy right now 🙂

    1.Curling up with the boyfriend and a really good book, I am hooked on Jodie Picoult right now.

    2.Spending time with my 2 week old nephew.

    3.My best friend who is always there when i need to get away from the daily grind and have a real girly giggle.

  72. Happy 3rd Anniversary

    3 things that are currently making me happy ( amongst others) in no particular order

    1 A rather battered, but amazing, photograph album from 1937 full of wonderful photographs of ordinary family life, but almost all of them have been hand-tinted. And I found it at a car boot, sale this weekend, for only £3. It is really special….. and it has now found a safe home, until it is someone else’s turn to enjoy it and care for it.

    2 My current sketchbook/journal – this one getting fat with scribbles and cuttings as ideas for christmas cards for my family and friends.

    3 My supper – penne, with garlic roasted butternut squash, grilled cumin mushrooms and homegrown italian tomatoes, finished with olive oil and fresh basil. Yum-O

  73. 1. An extra comforter on my big fluffy bed, because it is finally cooling off.

    2. Hubby bringing me coffee in the a.m. while I am just waking.

    3. Memories of our trip to SanFrancisco 2 weeks ago, and sorting and arranging the photos from the Japanese Tea Garden.

  74. 1.) My wonderful husband. He is the greatest.
    2.) Sleep, I haven’t had much of it lately.
    3.) A small brass camel on wheels. It’s a children’s toy from Egypt and it always makes me happy.

  75. 1. My beautiful kitten Darcy, pictured here

    2. Volunteering at my local animal shelter and knowing that I’m making a difference in those animals lives makes me happier than anything at the moment.

    3. Polaroid pictures and Moleskine notebooks

  76. 3 things making me Happy-

    Today was the first time I felt the cool crisp Autumn air.

    My children and all the laughter, smiles, hugs, and special moments we share.

    Living life and taking the time to enjoy the small things.

  77. Sweet scented candles make me happy.
    Friends and family wandering Abbot Kinney together make me happy.
    A good glass of red wine with my girlfriends makes me happy.

    Life is good 🙂

  78. 1. Fall is coming (pumpkin spice latte)
    2. My family surprising me with a spa day for my birthday
    3. Lots of support lately from fabulous friends

  79. Making me happy?
    1. Just back from a trip to NYC… Muji!
    2. The new Thanksgiving postage stamps. Are they seriously cool or what?!
    3. ‘Star Trek’ is back on the IMAX screen at my favorite local theater.

  80. 1. waking up every morning in a small old beach cottage with hardwood floors and lots of character and charm on the coast of California
    2. watching football on a lazy Sunday afternoon while snuggling with my hubby and my pup
    3. sipping on a glass of wine in the cool of the evening around the chimenea on the patio with friends and laughter… and usually some s’mores

  81. Awww…giveaways = fun! yay! happy! (But that’s not part of my happy three list!)

    1. Date night with the hubster at jazz club.
    2. The change of “career mama” to “stay at home and finally feel rested, calm and collected” mama.
    3. To have a friend who loves me (and knows me) enough to buy me thrift store finds, and make me lunch…and dinner all in one unplanned day.

  82. what a lovely giveaway! thank you!
    1) I love my family, friends, and my boyfriend! they are truly fantastic people!
    2) I love the Autumn season!
    3) I love creating and designing for myself as well as my friends and family!

  83. 1. a new independence and sense of self i’ve been forced to gain as a result of unfortunate circumstances. i wouldn’t have chosen to go this way, but as much as i’m sad about the journey, i like the result.

    2. chipotle guacamole

    3. a trip to Georgia next week! i can’t wait to travel south for milder weather for a few days.

  84. awww…happy anniversary! so much to be happy for these days (no matter what the news tells us):

    1…the health, wealth (integrity, not monetary), & happiness of all of my friends & family
    2…getting $30 out of verizon for crappy service to spend $25 on an art workshop
    3…the soon-to-be return of “30 rock” & college basketball season!

  85. many congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!

    1. 2 of my photographs were chosen for an exhibit called “woman’s perspective” beginning october 7th.

    2. my birthday was last friday the 25th and i got to spend it with my twin brother and husband. it was lovely!

    3. it’s apple crisp time!

  86. I must say your blog is lovely. I only wish I had discovered it sooner.

    1. The fact that autumn and October are finally here. It’s magical this time of year. I’m looking forward to all the great holidays in the coming months.

    2. My cat Cappuccino. No matter how sad, angry, or sick I am, she’s always next to me doing something silly to make me laugh or simply being adorable.

    3. My best friend. Without him I would truly be lost. He’s basically the only true family I’ve ever had. He always listens, and picks me up when I can’t do it on my own and I do the same for him. Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on.

  87. why what a lovely giveaway! 🙂 3 things that are currently making me happy are:

    1) my boyfriend. he is so supportive and just really amazing.
    2) the idea that the weather is cooling down and CHRISTMAS is coming. i love this time of the year!
    3) new prospects and ideas for a new shop/blog!

    happy 3 year urbanic!!

    xo. danni

  88. 1) my puppy – to see his wagging tail at the end of a hard day makes all the extra work worth it

    2) my new lotta jansdotter book

    3) thanksgiving and xmas are around the corner – lots of food, family, and good times.

  89. Pingback: post No.232 And the winners are… « parcel post

  90. Pingback: post No.233 Happy Things « parcel post

  91. one- my fiance- he’s always there there for me with a big smile.
    two- a glass of white wine pared with chocolate; its the simple things in life that make you happy.
    three- internet blogs; i could sit here for hours shopping and educating myself on new information.

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